To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
To The Point, a Council of Large Public Housing Authorities podcast offers you concise, digestible overview of the most pressing topics facing the public and affordable housing industry. You’ll hear from leaders from across the housing spectrum from public housing authorities’ executives to notable researchers, academics, to federal, state, and local officials, to representatives from community-based organizations. Jeffery K. Patterson, CEO of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority and president of CLPHA's board of directors, is the host of To The Point.
To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
Education Partnerships with Ed Lowndes
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority CEO and CLPHA President Jeffery K. Patterson sits down with CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman to discuss how CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative has elevated collaborations between the housing and education sectors to improve education outcomes for low-income students of all ages, and Sunia explains how CLPHA member PHAs are pioneering these life-changing collaborations in their own communities. Later, Jeffery chats with Ed Lowndes, CLPHA board member and executive director of the Housing Authority of Kansas City, MO, about how HAKC has teamed up with local education partners to bring education opportunities home to their residents.
Thanks for listening to To The Point, a podcast of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities.