To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
To The Point, a Council of Large Public Housing Authorities podcast offers you concise, digestible overview of the most pressing topics facing the public and affordable housing industry. You’ll hear from leaders from across the housing spectrum from public housing authorities’ executives to notable researchers, academics, to federal, state, and local officials, to representatives from community-based organizations. Jeffery K. Patterson, CEO of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority and president of CLPHA's board of directors, is the host of To The Point.
To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
Seeing Red: The Impact of Redlining in Cleveland, Ohio
The practice of redlining is where public and private officials and professionals designated certain neighborhoods as high-risk largely due to racial demographics. This led to denied loans or significantly higher interest rates in those neighborhoods. It institionalized racial bias, and denied generations of Black families the ability to build and transfer wealth. The repercussions still plague those neighborhoods today with ongoing disinvestment. This episode of To The Point is a panel discussion from CLPHA's 2023 Summer Meeting about the impact of redlining in Cleveland, Ohio. The panelists included:
- Mark L. Joseph, PhD, Leona Bevis/Marguerite Haynam Professor of Community Development, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University (moderator)
- Dr. Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD, Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine, Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, University Hospitals
- Joseph Black, Vice Chairman, CMHA Board of Commissioners; Program Manager, Racial Equity & Racial Justice Initiatives, Cleveland Foundation
- Joshua Edmonds, CEO, Digital C
- Kristin S. Warzocha, President and CEO, Greater Cleveland Foodbank
Thanks for listening to To The Point, a podcast of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities.