To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
To The Point, a Council of Large Public Housing Authorities podcast offers you concise, digestible overview of the most pressing topics facing the public and affordable housing industry. You’ll hear from leaders from across the housing spectrum from public housing authorities’ executives to notable researchers, academics, to federal, state, and local officials, to representatives from community-based organizations. Jeffery K. Patterson, CEO of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority and president of CLPHA's board of directors, is the host of To The Point.
To The Point, A Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Podcast
Reimagining Home Forward: A Conversation with CEO Ivory Mathews
Home Forward CEO Ivory Mathews joined To The Point host Jeffery K. Patterson for a conversation about the Reimagining Home Forward Initiative. Ivory discusses how the initative addresses systemic racism by "calling up, calling out" racial injustices in Home Forward's history and is forging an inclusive path forward by implementing a racial harm policy for the staff and building equity into resident-focused programs and services.
Thanks for listening to To The Point, a podcast of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities.